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Grid Work Club

Pole Work Club

Limited Spots Available!


Grid Work Club



Beginning in April, I will be running a regular monthly grid work club at Moreton Morrell College & Wing Jumping and dressage centre until September!


These sessions will be one hour long with four riders in the group, (although in rare and unavoidable situations there may be a fifth rider) and can either be standalone sessions, or you can attend all of the dates!


Distances will be based on horses strides so please bear this in mind when booking.


Focus will be given to form and technique rather than the height of the fences, but you need to be confident jumping up to the maximum height stated for the group you are booking onto.


The first group will jump up to 70cm maximum

The second group will jump between 70 and 90cm maximum


All grids are built up progressively, starting with a single jump, and adding fences throughout the session.


Grid Work Club at

Wing Jumping & Dressage Centre

  • 20th of April - Regular grid work. This will be set out as a straightforward grid designed to encourage confidence in both Horse and Rider.


  • 18th of May - Skinny grid challenge. This will be like regular grid work, but the twist is the fences will be created using skinny length poles! A great challenge for your horses honesty and your bravery!


  • 22nd of June - The bounce grid challenge! A single fence is continuously, added to with another fence on a bounce distance, until we either run out of time or room to add more fences! The last time I ran one, we got 8 bounces in! A brilliant test of your horses, athletic ability and your balance as a rider!


  • 27th of July - Semi circular grid. As the name suggests this grid, even though straightforward in its striding, will be built on a curving line, which increases the difficulty level hugely and is a great way to build the partnership and trust between yourself and your horse!


  • 31st of August - Complex grids will involve a trickier combination of fences together with take off and landing poles, designed to encourage your horse to think about where they are placing their feet, and also paying attention to you as their rider!


Grid Work Club at

Moreton Morrell 

  • 26th of April - Regular grid work. This will be set out as a straightforward grid designed to encourage confidence in both Horse and Rider.


  • 10th of May - Skinny grid challenge. This will be like regular grid work, but the twist is the fences will be created using skinny length poles! A great challenge for your horses honesty and your bravery!


  • 14th of June - Complex grids will involve a trickier combination of fences together with takeoff and landing poles, designed to encourage your horse to think about where they are placing their feet, and also paying attention to you as their rider!


  • 5th of July - Semi circular grid. As the name suggests this grid, even though straightforward in its striding, will be built on a curving line, which increases the difficulty level hugely and is a great way to build the partnership and trust between yourself and your horse!


  • 9th of August - Polework with fences. This will be the kind of polework layout that fancy footwork equestrian is known for, however, there will be the inclusion of some fences from some very tricky turns, and at the end of a long line of poles, all being jumped from trot ! A great way of checking to see who really is in control of their horse!


  • 6th of September - The bounce grid challenge! A single fence is continuously, added to with another fence on a bounce distance, until we either run out of time or room to add more fences! The last time I ran one, we got 8 bounces in! A brilliant test of your horses, athletic ability and your balance as a rider!


Want to join the
Grid Work Club? 

Challenge your horse and yourself with these fun & exciting clinics!

Limited availability so book now to secure your spot!

Please note sessions are booked individually, so if you want more than one make sure you add all the dates you would like to attend when checking out to avoid disappointment later!


Pole Work Club at

Wing Jumping & Dressage Centre



  • 24th of May - Serpentine Challenge. Come and see if you can win yourself a bottle of Prosecco in this fun, Serpentine challenge ! As the name suggests, the poles (approximately 30 of them!) will be set in a three loop serpentine , which we will work through as a group throughout the session, culminating in each rider, riding through individually, whilst carrying a plastic wine glass of liquid, and the person who retains the most liquid in the glass, wins a bottle of Prosecco! This is great for working on your horses, rhythm and bend , not to mention testing your ability to ride one-handed!


  • 28th of June - Polework with small fences ! This will be the kind of polework layout that fancy footwork equestrian is known for, however, there will be the inclusion of some fences from some tricky turns, and at the end of a long line of poles, all being jumped from trot ! A great way of checking to see who really is in control of their horse!Fences will be an absolute maximum of 70 cm.


  • 19th of July - My centreline challenge is back ! For this session, we will be working entirely down the length of the arena, gradually adding in different placements of poles including straight poles, raised poles, angled poles, and skinny poles, until we end up with a line of 30+ poles! This is a great opportunity to work on your horses, rhythm, straightness and balance, and it isn’t called a challenge for nothing!


  • 16th of August - The pole maze. Multiple exercises will be set out in the arena including walk, trot, canter, and raised Poles , (not to mention, angled poles, a mini maze, and the return of the infamous spider) which will be worked through as a group before each rider has to navigate the exercises individually in a set route which will see them changing pace and direction frequently… sure to test all the horses and the riders ability!


Pole Work Club at

Moreton Morrell 

  • 28th of April - The Centreline Challenge is back! For this session, we will be working entirely down the length of the arena, gradually adding in different placements of poles including straight poles, raised poles, angled poles, and skinny poles, until we end up with a line of 30+ poles!


  • 26th of May - Serpentine Challenge. Come and see if you can win yourself a bottle of Prosecco in this fun, Serpentine challenge ! As the name suggests, the poles (approximately 30 of them!) will be set in a three loop serpentine , which we will work through as a group throughout the session, culminating in each rider, riding through individually, whilst carrying a plastic wine glass of liquid, and the person who retains the most liquid in the glass, wins a bottle of Prosecco!


  • 16th of June -  Polework with small fences! This will be the kind of polework layout that fancy footwork equestrian is known for, however, there will be the inclusion of some fences from some tricky turns, and at the end of a long line of poles, all being jumped from trot ! A great way of checking to see who really is in control of their horse!


  • 21st of July - Polework Patterns! A multi directional layout will be set up to work through as a group, including walk, trot, canter, and raised poles, created to test both your horses, body and brain!


  • 18th of August - The pole maze. Multiple exercises will be set out in the arena including walk, trot, canter, and raised Poles, (not to mention, angled poles, a mini maze, and the return of the infamous spider) which will be worked through as a group before each rider has to navigate the exercises individually in a set route which will see them changing pace and direction frequently… sure to test all the horses and the riders ability!


  • 8th of September -  Come along and give Your Horse a whole body workout with this raised polework session! The exercises included will be slightly more simple in their technicality, however, add in pole raisers and it’s like adding weights to your workout! This session will definitely get them working hard and will test their coordination and proprioception skills to the max as well as your balance!


Want to join the Pole Work Club? 

Challenge your horse and yourself with these fun & exciting clinics!

Limited availability so book now to secure your spot!

Please note sessions are booked individually, so if you want more than one make sure you add all the dates you would like to attend when checking out to avoid disappointment later!

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