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Is there a rider age limit to attend?Minimum age is 12 to attend, with no upper limit to age!
Do I have to ride to a certain level to attend?To attend a Fancy Footwork Equestrian clinic you must be fully in control of the horse that you are riding in a group situation in walk, trot and canter.
Do I have to canter in the clinic?No, there is no obligation to canter either in the warm up or in the clinic itself. However you do need to be able to canter incase and unexpected situation arises.
Does my horse need to be vaccinated to attend a clinic?Horses must be fully upto date with routine vaccinations to attend a clinic.
My horse doesn't always like other horses, can I still attend?Please make your coach aware at the beginning of the session if your horse objects to other horses being close to it, so they can inform the other riders in your group and ensure they give your horse maximum space while passing.
Can I bring my young/green horse to a clinic?Horses need to be a minimum of 4 years of age to attend a polework clinic. If you are planning to bring a young or inexperienced horse to a clinic and you aren’t sure how it will behave, please email Fancy Footwork Equestrian before you make a booking to discuss.
Do you allow stallions to attend clinics?Unfortunatly we don't allow stallions at this time, the only exeption to this is if you book all 4 spaces in a clinic with friends who know and are happy riding alongside a stallion.
What safety equiptment do I have to wear?It is a condition of booking that you wear a riding hat that complies with the current safety standards at all times when riding at a Fancy Footwork Equestrian clinic. Body protectors are optional.
My horse is retired, can I still attend, but do the session in hand instead of riding him?Unfortunately, all clinics are conducted as ridden sessions with the exception of pole parties which can be discussed further to possibly include some in hand sessions.
I am pregnant, can I still attend a clinic?If you are pregnant and wish to take part in a clinic, please email Fancy Footwork Equestrian prior to booking your place, so that this can be discussed and relevant enquiries can be made with insurance companies to check that you are covered to attend.
What tack is required?Please note that to attend a clinic run by Fancy Footwork Equestrian all horses must wear a correctly fitting saddle and bridle for the duration of the session. Bare back pads and bitless bridles are permitted, however rope halters and similar are not and the horses can not be ridden bareback.
Can I walk my horse around the arena before the clinic?Please note that while it’s permitted for a rider to walk their horse in hand around the arena to familiarise them if required, this can only be done for the first 5 minutes of the warm up, while the other riders are still in walk. After this time all riders will need to be riding their horses in order to complete their warm up and continue with the session.
My horse isn’t the best at loading, what happens if I arrive late to my session?If you arrive late to your session for any reason it will be up to the coach running the clinic to decide whether to let you join in, as it’s highly disruptive to other horses and riders in the group, and the exercises are structured in such a way as to be progressive, so need to be ridden through in the correct order to aid the horses understanding and keep their confidence. If this is 20 minutes or more after your original start time, no entry will be permitted and your place will be forfeited.
I haven’t been to this venue before, what happens if I get lost and then I’m late?We always recommend that if you are not familiar with a venue that you do a practice run before the day of the clinic to make sure you know where you are going on the day.
The weather is forecast to be bad tomorrow, will the clinic still go ahead?If a clinic is cancelled, it will be announced on Facebook at the earliest opportunity, so please check the fancy footwork equestrian Facebook page before you travel. All riders will also be contacted as soon as is possible after the Facebook post to confirm cancellation and discuss next steps.
I can’t attend the clinic I have booked any more, can my friend come in my place?Yes, that is fine for your friend to come instead of you, providing they fulfil all of the criteria necessary to attend which can be found in the terms and conditions section on the website . Either you, or they must also Email, fancy footwork with a contact number that they can be reached on if needed.
I need to cancel my clinic Space, can I have a refund?Unfortunately, Fancy Footwork Equestrian does not offer refunds in any situation. If you cancel your place, your booking will only be transferred to a future clinic if your cancelled space is filled either from a waitlist or from advertising. If your space does fill You will be required to pay another booking fee when you book your replacement clinic. Replacement clinics must be booked within 12 months of you cancelling your space.
My horse has gone lame and I can’t now come to the clinic tomorrow, can you fill my space?Unfortunately, if you cancel within 48 hours of the day of your clinic, you will not be eligible to any transfer.
How do I cancel my place?If you need to cancel your place, please email giving your name , the clinic date and venue, and also what time you are booked in for.
What happens if I cancel my space and you don’t manage to resell it at the full price that I paid?Fancy Footwork Equestrian will always try to get you as much money as is possible for the cancelled space, however, on occasion, spaces are sold at a reduced price in order to fill them. You will always be involved in the decision to offer your space at a reduced rate, If your space sells under these circumstances, whatever money taken for it will be held in credit towards a future clinic place within the next 12 months.
The person transporting my horse to the clinic tomorrow can no longer bring me, can I come to the next clinic at this venue instead?Unfortunately, if you cancel within 48 hours of the day of your clinic, you will not be eligible to any transfer regardless of the circumstances.
I don’t want my images published on social media is that okay?Yes of course, please make your coach aware of this on the day before your session starts so that steps can be taken to make sure your wishes are met.
Do I have to have photographs taken?If you choose to not have photographs taken at the clinic, this is entirely your right, but please make the Photographer or the coach aware of this on the day before your clinic starts.
Where can I view and buy the images from the clinic?A link to the full gallery from the clinic will usually be posted on the fancy footwork equestrian Facebook page within 48 hours of the day of the clinic where possible. Alternatively you can go directly to the photographers website and monitor it yourself to see when the images are available to view.
Can I screenshot the images taken at a clinic of myself from Facebook or Instagram and use them on my own social media?NO! Under no circumstances, can you screenshot or share images from fancy footwork equestrians social media for your own use. The images published on their watermarked so it will be very obvious If you are found to have used these images illegally, and you will not be welcome back at a clinic until you have paid the Photographer for the original image.
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